宜兴市某镇中小学生失眠情况调查分析 |
作者:肖月1 杨亚明1 王欣2 陶旭东3 |
单位:1. 宜兴市疾病预防控制中心, 江苏 宜兴 214200; 2. 江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 江苏 南京 210009; 3. 宜兴市心云社会工作发展服务中心, 江苏 宜兴 214200 |
关键词:失眠 中小学生 失眠严重指数量表 调查 分析 |
分类号:R749.92 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2024·43·第六期(931-938) |
目的:了解和分析宜兴市中小学生失眠情况及影响因素,为干预策略的制定和实施提供数据基础和理论支持。方法:2023年10~12月随机选择某镇的全部中小学校纳入调查,小学四年级至高中三年级的学生以班级为单位统一在线填写睡眠情况问卷。使用SPSS 21统计软件分析失眠严重指数(ISI)量表信效度,使用卡方检验和二元多因素Logistic回归分析失眠的人群特征和失眠影响因素。结果:4 346名中小学生中没有失眠症状、轻度失眠症状、中度失眠症状、重度失眠症状的分别为3 787人(87.14%)、468人(10.77%)、78人(1.79%)、13人(0.30%)。失眠情况在学段(χ2=244.279,P<0.05)、年级(χ2=289.308,P<0.05)、住校(χ2=20.632,P<0.05)、独生子女(χ2=6.320,P<0.05)、父母争吵频率(χ2=278.384,P<0.05)、成绩排名公布(χ2=133.014,P<0.05)、成绩变动(χ2=149.662,P<0.05)、情绪变动(χ2=428.337,P<0.05)等方面差异有统计学意义。初中(OR=2.357)、高中(OR=3.404)学段,父母经常争吵(OR=7.125)、父母有时争吵(OR=2.475),公布成绩排名(OR=2.018),情绪变差(OR=3.384)是导致失眠的影响因素。结论:宜兴市某镇中小学生失眠并不罕见,初高中生中情况更加严重。成绩、情绪、家庭等多种因素都可能交互影响学生的睡眠。教育工作者和家长应关注学生失眠情况,共同努力采取措施改善学生睡眠质量,保障学生身心健康。 |
Objective: To understand and analyze the insomnia of primary and secondary school students in Yixing City and its influencing factors, and provide data basis and theoretical support for the formulation and implementation of intervention strategies. Methods: From October to December, 2023, all primary and secondary schools in a town randomly selected were included in the survey. Students from the fourth grade of primary schools to the third grade of senior high school filled in the sleep questionnaire online. SPSS 21 was used to analyze the reliability and validity of the Insomnia Severity Index(ISI) Scale used in the survey. Chi-square test and binary Logistic regression were used to analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of insomnia. Results: Among 4 346 primary and secondary school students, 3 787(87.14%) no insomnia symptoms, 468 mild(10.77%), 78 moderate(1.79%), and 13 severe(0.30%) insomnia symptoms were found, respectively. Period of study(χ2=244.279, P<0.05), grade(χ2=289.308, P<0.05), live on campus(χ2=20.632, P<0.05), only child(χ2=6.320, P<0.05), parental quarrel frequency(χ2=278.384, P<0.05) P<0.05), academic performance anking(χ2=133.014, P<0.05), academic performance change(χ2=149.662, P<0.05), mood change(χ2=428.337, P<0.05) of insomnia were significant different. Junior high school(OR=2.357) and senior high school(OR=3.404), parents often quarrel(OR=7.125) and sometimes quarrel(OR=2.475), published grade ranking(OR=2.018) and mood deterioration(OR=3.384) were influencing factors for insomnia. Conclusion: Insomnia is common in primary and secondary school students in the town of Yixing and is more serious in secondary school students. Many factors such as grade, emotion, and family factor may interact with students' sleep. Educators and parents should pay attention to students' insomnia, work together to take measures to improve students' sleep quality and ensure their physical and mental health. |
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