Objective: To investigate the current status of anemia in multi center ethnic minority pregnant women in Yunnan region and analyze its influencing factors. Methods: 600 ethnic minority pregnant women who underwent regular prenatal checkups in multiple hospitals in Yunnan region from January 2023 to December 2023 were selected as research subjects using cluster sampling method. Pregnant women were surveyed using the Comprehensive Pregnant Women Questionnaire, and they were underwent physical and laboratory examinations. The anemia situation of pregnant women was analyzed, and they were divided into anemia group and non anemia group. The influencing factors of anemia in ethnic minority pregnant women in Yunnan region was analyzed through Logistic regression analysis. Results: 110 pregnant women had developed anemia among 600 ethnic minority pregnant women in Yunnan region, and the incidence rate was 18.33%, and the pregnant women with mild, moderate and severe anemia were 71, 36 and 3 respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that age≥35 years old, late pregnancy, Zhuang nationality, Miao nationality, education level of junior high school or below, per capita annual income of family<5 000 yuan, residing in village or town, fertility frequency≥2 times, vegetarian diet during pregnancy, drinking tea during pregnancy were risk factors for anemia in ethnic minority pregnant women in Yunnan region(P<0.05), while iron supplementation during pregnancy and pregnancy nutrition guidance were protective factors for anemia in ethnic minority pregnant women in Yunnan region(P<0.05). Conclusion: The incidence rate of anemia among ethnic minority pregnant women in Yunnan region is relatively high, and age, pregnancy, nationality, educational level, per capita annual income of family, living environment, fertility frequency, dietary structure during pregnancy, drinking tea during pregnancy, iron supplementation during pregnancy and pregnancy nutrition guidance during pregnancy are the influencing factors for anemia in ethnic minority pregnant women in Yunnan region. |
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