Objective: To investigate the changes and clinical significance of serum sex hormone-binding globulin(SHBG) in patients with different ovarian responses during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(COH).Methods: A total of 378 women, including 83 with poor ovarian response(POR), 204 with normal response, and 91 with high ovarian response(HOR), were selected for in vitro fertilization(IVF) with gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist(GnRH-ant) in the reproductive center of our hospital from January 2018 to January 2020. Serum samples were collected from each participant every 2-3 days during the COH cycle to measure serum SHBG, follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), luteinizing hormone(LH), estradiol(E2). Results: Compared with the normal response group, the baseline value of serum SHBG in POR group and the serum SHBG level on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG) injection decreased significantly(P<0.05), whereas the level of serum SHBG in the HOR group was significantly higher(P<0.05). By multivariate Logistic regression analysis, the serum SHBG level on the day of HCG injection was correlated with the occurrence of POR or HOR(P<0.05). During COH, the serum SHBG level decreased overall(P<0.001). Serum E2 concentration and number of dominant follicles(diameter>10 mm) were significantly increased, while serum LH level was decreased(P<0.001). There was no significant difference in the change trend of different ovarian response groups(P>0.05). The serum level of SHBG on the day of HCG injection was positively correlated with oocyte count, effective embryo count, serum level of E2 and serum level of LH at Day 3(D3) of GnRH-ant injection(P<0.05). According to the analysis of receiver operating characteristic curve, the AUC of serum SHBG level on the day of HCG injection on predicting POR or HOR was 0.718(95% CI 0.636-0.801) and 0.489(95% CI 0.391-0.604), respectively. Conclusion: During GnRH-ant, the serum SHBG level is positively correlated with the ovarian response, and can be used as one of the effective predictors of POR. |
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