Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Hongteng Lenge Decoction in the treatment of reflux esophagitis with damp heat and blood stasis syndrome, and to evaluate the effect of Hongteng Lenge Decoction in reflux esophagitis. Methods: This study is a randomized clinical controlled trial. Patients with reflux esophagitis who came to Zhanlan Road Hospital from August 2012 to February 2015 were randomly divided into treatment group (30 cases) and control group (25 cases). The treatment group was treated with Hongteng Lenge Decoction for 8 weeks, and the control group was treated with omeprazole enteric coated capsules for 8 weeks. Age, gender, course of disease, symptoms and gastroscopic results were collected at baseline as well as duing a 8-week follow-up. Statistical analysis used Difference in Difference (DID) to evaluate the treatment effect before and after the intervention. Results: The major symptom score of reflux esophagitis(DID=-2.19, P<0.001)and the TCM syndrome score (DID=-9.54, P<0.001) and gastroscopy score (DID=-0.31, P=0.02) before and after intervention were significantly improved compared with omeprazole treatment. The results of DID model showed that the effect of Hongteng Lenge Decoction on the major symptom score of reflux esophagitis (β3=-2.19, P<0.001) and TCM syndrome score (β3=-9.54, P<0.001) was better than those of omeprazole. However, there was no significant difference in the improvement of gastroscopy score (β3=-0.313, P<0.072). Conclusion: Hongteng Lenge decoction can significantly improve the main symptoms and TCM syndrome of reflux esophagitis compared with omeprazole, but there is no significant difference in the improvement of gastroscopy score between Hongteng Lenge Decoction and omeprazole. |
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