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作者:秦金梅  朱旻  王宇  史霖  马中子 
单位:上海市徐汇区精神卫生中心, 上海 200232
关键词:依恋 焦虑 述情 应对方式 链式中介 

目的:探讨焦虑障碍患者依恋与焦虑之间的关系,以及述情和应对方式在依恋与焦虑间的链式中介作用。方法:采用成人依恋量表(Adult Attachment Scale,AAS)、简易应对方式问卷(Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire,SCSQ)、多伦多述情障碍量表(Toronto Alexithymia Scale,TAS)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton Anxiety Scale,HAMA)对329例焦虑障碍患者进行心理测评,利用Mplus 7.0软件建构结构方程模型,采取Bootstrap法进行中介效应检验。结果:依恋对焦虑的直接影响显著(β=-0.688,P<0.001),依恋对述情、应对方式产生显著的影响(β值分别为-0.157、0.023,均P<0.05),述情、应对方式对焦虑产生显著的影响(β值分别为0.401、-0.086,均P<0.001),述情对应对方式产生显著的负性影响(β=-0.222,P<0.05)。总体中介效应为0.068(95% CI:-0.133~-0.019)。其中述情中介作用0.063(95% CI:-0.131~-0.017),占总中介效应的92.65%;应对方式中介作用0.002(95% CI:-0.004~-0.001),占总中介效应的2.94%;述情、应对方式的链式中介效应为0.003(95% CI:-0.005~-0.002),占总中介效应的4.41%。结论:焦虑障碍患者述情能力、应对方式在依恋与焦虑间起部分中介作用,依恋可以直接和通过述情、应对方式的链式中介作用影响焦虑。

Objective: To explore the influence of attachment on anxiety in patients with anxiety disorder, and the chain intermediary effect of emotion expression and coping style on the relationship between attachment and anxiety. Methods: Totally 329 patients with anxiety disorder were measured by Adult Attachment Scale(AAS), Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire(SCSQ), Toronto Alexithymia Scale(TAS), Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA), Mplus7.0 software was used to construct a structural equation model in data analysis and the Bootstrap method was used to test the mediation effect. Results: The effects of attachment on anxiety(β=-0.688,P<0.001), attachment on emotion expression and coping style(β=-0.157,0.023,P<0.05), emotion expression and coping style on anxiety(β=0.401,-0.086,P<0.001), emotion expression on coping style(β=-0.222,P<0.05) were statistically significant. The total mediating effect between attachment and anxiety was 0.068(95% CI:-0.133,-0.019), mediating effect of emotion expression was 0.063(95% CI:-0.131,-0.017), mediating effect of coping style was 0.002(95% CI:-0.004,-0.001), the chain mediating effect of emotion expression and coping style was 0.003(95% CI:-0.005,-0.002), respectively accounted for 92.65%, 2.94%, 4.41% of the total mediating effect. Conclusion: Emotion expression and coping style play partia mediating role between attachment and anxiety in patients with anxiety disorder, attachment can make influence on anxiety directly and through the chain intermediary effect of emotion expression and coping style.


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