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经静脉注射造影剂行内耳相关疾病3D-FLAIR MRI的初步研究
作者:陈敏1  侯洪伟2  庞秀红3  夏建国4  田为中4  苗重昌1 
单位:1. 连云港市第一人民医院 医学影像科, 江苏 连云港 222000;
2. 连云港市第一人民医院 胃肠外科, 江苏 连云港 222000;
3. 泰州市人民医院 耳鼻咽喉科, 江苏 泰州 225300;
4. 泰州市人民医院 医学影像科, 江苏 泰州 225300
关键词:内淋巴积水 内耳 增强磁共振成像 梅尼埃病 

目的:探讨经静脉注射造影剂行内耳增强三维快速液体衰减反转恢复序列成像(three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging,3D-FLAIR MRI)的可行性及相关影像的特征分析。方法:对以突聋、耳鸣、眩晕等相关临床表现入院的患者及正常志愿者进行经静脉注射造影剂行3D-FLAIR MRI增强成像,判断是否存在内耳内淋巴积水以及分析内外淋巴显影情况。结果:除了1例梅尼埃病患者出现明显的内淋巴积水征象,其他的突聋、耳鸣及听力减退患者及正常志愿者都没有出现明显的内淋巴积水。结论:经静脉注射造影剂行内耳增强3D-FLAIR MRI可以显示内外淋巴的情况,对于各种原因所致内耳疾病可以进行直观显示,尤其可以为梅尼埃病提供直观的影像学诊断依据。

Objective: To investigate the imaging features of three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging (3D-FLAIR MRI) of people with inner ear disease. Methods: Patients with sudden deafness, tinnitus, vertigo and other related clinical manifestations and normal volunteers were examined by intravenous injected of contrast medium. Then, all the people performed 3D-FLAIR MRI to determine the presence of endolymphatic hydrops in the inner ear. Results: Except for one case of Meniere's disease, there was no obvious endolymphatic hydrops in other patients and normal volunteers. Conclusion: Intravenous contrast enhanced 3D-FLAIR MRI can provide a visual basis for the diagnosis of inner ear disease.


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