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作者:陈丽桥1  严淑珍2  樊小朋3  丁邱3 
单位:1. 中山大学 附属肿瘤医院, 广东 广州 510060;
2. 汕头大学医学院 伤害预防研究中心, 广东 汕头 515041;
3. 江苏大学 附属昆山医院, 江苏 苏州 215300
关键词:新型冠状病毒肺炎 护理人员 压力来源 恐慌 焦虑 


Objective: To understand the source of working stress among nurses in designated hospitals for patients with fever, the situation of panic and anxiety and the influencing factors under the background of COVID-19 epidemic were analyzed. Methods: Smartphone-based questionnaire was used to collect the stress and negative mood data of 828 nurses(35 males and 793 females), who worked in the first and second line on duty in designated hospitals for patients with fever. Results: The top five factors leading to nurses' working stress:(1) shortage of protective materials such as masks and medical protective clothing; (2) patients refused to cooperate with the medical worker's order and medical operations; (3) there were no systematic diagnosis, treatment methods and targeted drugs for COVID-19; (4) social support for nurses was not enough; (5) pathological causes and transmission mechanism were not completely clear. Nurses in designated hospitals for patients with fever who felt panic were not subject to age, marriage, professional level, job risk grade during the epidemic period(P>0.05). Gender as female(P<0.001), active reposting or commenting on the pandemic(P=0.008) and a shortage of medical masks(P=0.051) were independent risk factors for nurses' panic. In addition, nurses' anxiety was not subject to gender, marriage, professional level, shortage of masks and other characteristics(P>0.05). Active participation in reposting or commenting on the pandemic(P<0.001) and high job risk level(P=0.024) were independent risk factors for anxiety, while elder nurses had a lower level of anxiety(P=0.014). Conclusion: In the designated hospitals for fever patients, more than 70% of nurses felt stressed, and their panic and anxiety were prominent. Strengthening the care, counseling and psychological intervention for front-line nurses is needed. It is, therefore, suggested that policy makers and medical managers should pay more attention to the positive guidance of social medium to doctors and nurses, so as to reduce the spread of negative news, especially block the spread of rumors.


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