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作者:张学峰1  杨光旭1  朱友1  张丹丹1  夏金荣2  李卫东2 
单位:1. 东南大学附属中大医院江北院区 消化科, 江苏 南京 210048;
2. 东南大学附属中大医院 消化科, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:非酒精性脂肪肝 葡萄糖代谢 胰岛素抵抗 糖原合成 糖异生 大鼠 


Objective: To investigate the effects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) on glucose, insulin metabolism and hepatic glycogen synthesis in rats. Methods: NAFLD rat model was established by high-fat diet, blood was collected from hepatic vein, and glucose metabolism, insulin metabolism and glycogen synthesis were detected respectively. Glycogen synthesis and expression of gluconeogenesis related enzyme genes and proteins were detected by Western blotting and RT-PCR. Results: Compared with the control group, the glucose metabolism, insulin metabolic rate and liver glycogen reserve rate in NAFLD model group were significantly decreased, and the liver glycogen synthesis-related enzymes phosphorylation level was significantly decreased, however, the expression level of gluconeogenesis related genes increased significantly,the difference were all significant(all P<0.05). Conclusion: In NAFLD rats, the liver's ability to regulate glucose and insulin metabolism is decreased, liver glycogen synthesis is decreased, which results in hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, and increases insulin resistance and the risk of type 2 diabetes.


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