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作者:吴小刚  史灵恩  陈禹衡  管文辉  朱银霞  魏庆  李莉  陈莉萍 
单位:江苏省疾病预防控制中心 性病与艾滋病防制所, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:老年 男男性行为 艾滋病病毒 艾滋病 梅毒 

目的:了解江苏省 ≥ 60岁老年男男性行为(MSM)人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况及危险因素,为制定老年MSM人群艾滋病(AIDS)防治策略提供依据。方法:在MSM人群艾滋病监测哨点采用滚雪球法招募 ≥ 60岁MSM者824例,进行问卷调查和HIV及梅毒抗体检测,分析老年MSM人群HIV感染的危险因素。结果:江苏省老年MSM人群HIV感染率为8.50%;近6个月发生同性性行为者占56.31%;29.53%的MSM者每次都使用安全套;19.42%的MSM者同时与异性保持性行为。已婚、无保护性肛交、感染梅毒是HIV感染的危险因素。结论:加强已婚老年MSM人群健康教育,推广使用安全套,减少高危性行为发生及防治梅毒是预防老年MSM人群HIV感染的重要措施。

Objective: To analyze HIV infection and its risk factors among elder men who have sex with men (MSM) in Jiangsu Province, and to provide evidence for prevention and control of AIDS among elder MSMs. Methods: Altogether 824 MSMs aged 60 years or more were recruited by snowball sampling method in HIV sentinel surveillance. All of them received questionnaire interview and measurement of HIV and syphilis antibody. Risk factors of HIV infection among the elder MSMs were analyzed. Results: HIV infection rate in the elder MSMs in Jiangsu Province was 8.50%. Those had sex with men in previous 6 months accounted for 56.31%, and only 29.53% had used condom each time. There were 19.42% of elder MSMs having heterosexual behavior sex simultaneously. Married, having anal sex without condom and with positive syphilis antibody were the risk factors of HIV infection. Conclusions:It is necessary to strengthen health education and promote condom use in marriage elder MSMs to lower high-risk sexual behavior. Prevention and treatment of syphilis infection is an important measures for prevention of HIV infection among elder MSMs.


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