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作者:王国威1  刘丁阳1  马艺菲1  贡佳慧1  卓琳2  徐玲3  汪秀英4  卓朗1 
单位:1. 徐州医科大学 公共卫生学院, 江苏 徐州 221004;
2. 新乡医学院 基础医学院, 河南 新乡 453000;
3. 国家卫生健康委员会 统计信息中心, 北京 100044;
4. 徐州市中心医院 肾脏内科, 江苏 徐州 221004
关键词:年龄-时期-队列模型 肾功能下降 患病风险 效应 


Objective: To analyze the trends of decreased renal function morbidity in Xuzhou city during the period 2005-2012 in the age, period and cohort, and to provide scientific evidence for exploring the cause of the disease, diagnosing and developing preventive strategies. Methods: The data were obtained from the health examination center of Xuzhou Center Hospital. Age-period-cohort (APC) model and mixed effect were applied to assess the effects of age, period and cohort on the risk of decreased renal function morbidity. Results: The prevalence of decreased renal function in Xuzhou was 0.42%. APC model analysis indicated the risk of decreased renal function morbidity increased with age (P<0.05), but the period effect was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The cohort effect rose in 1925-1944 years and 1961-1976 years, and the female effect fluctuated more than that of the male. Conclusion: The fluctuation of the incidence of renal dysfunction may be related to the major historical events, but the development of the economy and the improvement of medical technology do not reduce the risk of decreased renal function. The APC mixed model can describe the three effects of the prevalence rate well.


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