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作者:马红  成晓栋  邹建明 
单位:无锡市第三人民医院 口腔科, 江苏 无锡 214041
关键词:牙周植骨法 夹板式烤瓷联冠 牙周骨缺损 附着丧失 探诊深度 


Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect of periodontal bone graft combined with splint like porcelain crown repair in treatment of alveolar bone defect. Methods:Chinese journal full text database and other databases were searched for all randomized clinical trials using periodontal bone graft combined with splint like porcelain fused crown. Using Meta analysis method of gingival crevicular fluid interleukin IL-1 beta, and probing depth, gingival attachment loss of alveolar bone were analyzed. The control and treatment effect was summarized on the control repairing method for the periodontal bone graft combined with splint like porcelain crown and porcelain crown splint simple comparison. Results:In 4 randomized clinical trials, a total of 325 cases of patients with periodontal disease, were placed periodontal bone graft combined with splint like porcelain fused crown. The results of Meta analysis showed that after treatment, gingival crevicular fluid interleukin IL-1 beta, gingival sulcus probing depth and attachment loss value of alveolar bone have been greatly improved. Conclusion:Periodontal bone grafting combined with splint like porcelain crown treatment has better therapeutic effects.


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