Objective: To investigate the relationship between initial glucose, glucose variability and inflammatory markers in respiratory critical ill patients admitted to intensive care unit(ICU) in the first 24 hours and to evaluate the predictive value of the above indicators for the outcome of the patients.Methods: A total of 85 respiratory critical ill patients in ICU were enrolled and the glucose level of the patients was recorded within the first 24 hours when admitted in ICU. According to the initial glucose level, the patients were divided into three groups:group A(glucose ≤ 6.9 mmol·L-1), group B(glucose 7.0-10.0 mmol·L-1) and group C(glucose>10.0 mmol·L-1). The mean glucose(GLUave), standard deviation of glucose(GLUsd) and coefficient of variation(GLUcv) were calculated, and the inflammatory markers,i.e. hypersensitive C-reactive protein(hs-CRP) and procalcitonin(PCT) were measured in the three groups. Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ) was performed. The correlation between initial glucose level and the above indicators were compared among the three groups, and their predictive value for outcome in these patients was analyzed via receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve.Results: In group C, the GLUave, GLUsd, GLUcv and PCT levels were significantly higher than those of the group A and B(P<0.05). There were no statistical differences in GLUave, GLUsd, GLUcv and PCT level between group A and B(P>0.05). There was no statistical difference in hs-CRP and APACHEⅡ among the three groups. The area under curve(AUC) of APACHEⅡ was 0.803, and AUC of PCT, hs-CRP, GLUcv, Glusd and GLUave were 0.756, 0.711, 0.660, 0.565 and 0.570, respectively.Conclusion: For the respiratory critical ill patients, the glucose variability and inflammatory markers are closely related to the initial glucose level within the first 24 hours. It also shows that the patients whose initial glucose level is higher than 10 mmol·L-1 may have higher glucose variability, severer inflammatory reaction and poorer prognosis. Among the indicators, APACHEⅡ score shows the highest predictive value, and the predictive value of the inflammatory markers PCT and hs-CRP is higher than that of GLUcv, GLUsd and GLUave. |
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