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作者:任磊  姚晖  刘春凤  徐林霞  周业江 
单位:西南医科大学 附属医院, 四川 泸州 646000
关键词:低位直肠癌 管状吻合器 腹膜外造瘘 


Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of circular anastomotic stapler and extraperitoneal sigmoid colostomy in Miles surgery for low rectal cancer and to analyze the incidence and other related indicators of stoma complications.Methods: Fifty-eight patients with Miles surgery were enrolled retrospectively in this study, of whom 40 patients were assigned into anastomat fistulae group and 18 into traditional fistula group. They were subdivided into extraperitoneal fistulae group(32 cases) and intraperitoneal fistulae group(26 cases). The stoma conditions and complications were compared and analyzed between the groups.Results: Compared with traditional fistulae group, the stoma infection rate was lower and the satisfaction with the stoma was higher in anastomat fistulae group(P<0.05). In addition, compared with intraperitoneal fistulae group, the incidence of parenteral abdominal hernia was lower, the regular defecation time was shorter and the time of regular defecation was reduced in extraperitoneal fistulae group(P<0.05). There was no statistical difference in parostomy hernia, fistulae/retraction, stenosis of stoma between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion: Compared with traditional fistulae and intraperitoneal fistulae, circular anastomotic stapler and extraperitoneal sigmoid colostomy can reduce the incidence of stoma complications,which are more applicable to Miles surgery for low rectal cancer patients.


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