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作者:房大广1  崔春燕1  冯增斌1  夏嘉鼎2 
单位:1. 河北省承德医学院附属医院 心脏外科, 河北 承德 067000;
2. 河北省承德医学院附属医院 ICU, 河北 承德 067000
关键词:肺动脉高压 米力农 肾素 血管紧张素Ⅱ 醛固酮 


Objective: To study the different doses effect of milrinone to the treatment of patients with pulmonary artery hypertension. Based on this, the mechanism of milrinone to pulmonary artery hypertension have been discussed. Methods: Mean arterial pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary ascular resistance, serum renin, angiotensin and aldosterone levels and 6 minutes walk steps were detected after and before the treatment. Results: Compared with control group, pulmonary arterial pressure, mean arterial pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance in the patients of the three groups decreased significantly(P<0.01 or 0.05), and significantly improve steps of 6-minutes walk(P<0.01 or 0.01). The results in the high dose group was better than those middle dose group and low dose group. In terms of reducing serum renin, angiotensin Ⅱ, aldosterone levels with statistically significant difference(P<0.01 or 0.01). Conclusion: Milrinone can alleviate pulmonary hypertension, improve the patients' lung function.This study for milrinone can make a example for mechanism research and clinical practice.


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