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作者:徐金霞1  刘福忠2  吴兆晴1  戚婷婷1 
单位:1. 江苏省淮安市妇幼保健院 产科, 江苏 淮安 223002;
2. 江苏省淮安市妇幼保健院 介入科, 江苏 淮安 223002
关键词:髂内动脉 球囊 凶险性前置胎盘 剖宫产 


Objective: To explore the application of bilateral posterior iliac artery balloon occlusion in the cesarean section of the pernicious placenta previa. Methods: From December 2015 to July 2016 in Huai'an maternal and child health hospital of Jiangsu province, 12 cases pernicious placenta previa patients were enrolled in this study. Preoperative balloons were placed in bilateral internal iliac arteries and delivered to fetuses. After the rapid filling the balloon, the amount of bleeding, blood transfusion, operation time, surgical complications, and whether the hysterectomy and follow-up were observed and recorded. Results: 12 patients in this group completely preserved uterus, no one got hysterectomy. Intraoperative blood loss was (200.0±901.5) ml. Intraoperative infusion of erythrocyte suspension was (625.0±537.9) ml (4 cases underwent plasma input). The operation time was (69.8±21.5) min, 4 cases (33.3%) did not complicate placenta accrete and 8 cases complicated placenta accrete. 2 cases (16.7%) had complicated edge placenta previa, 3 cases (25.0%) had partial placenta previa and 7 cases (58.3%) complicated placenta previa. 9 cases (75.0%) were treated with immediate balloon occlusion after delivery, and 3 (25.0%) had balloon occlusion as severe blood loss. All patients had no serious complications. Conclusion: Bilateral temporary balloon occlusion of the internal iliac artery can be used for the treatment of pernicious placenta previa.


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