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作者:朱月萍  朱传武  钱峰  朱伟 
单位:苏州市第五人民医院 传染科, 江苏 苏州 215007
关键词:慢性乙肝 临床检验指标 早期肝硬化 快速筛查 

目的:为了快速筛查和发现乙肝早期肝硬化患者,制定个体化治疗方案,降低肝硬化和肝癌的发生率,方法:以白细胞(WBC)、血小板(PLT)、凝血酶原时间(PT)和前白蛋白(PA)为主要乙肝临床检验联合筛查指标。结果:通过统计分析研究表明,乙肝早期肝硬化患者的白细胞(3.2×109·L-1)、血小板(68.3×109·L-1)和前白蛋白(137.2 mg·L-1)等指标值均明显低于该3项指标的正常参考值下限(WBC值=4.0×109·L-1,PLT值=100.0×109·L-1,PA值=180.0 mg·L-1)和无早期肝硬化患者的临床检验指标值(WBC值=5.2×109·L-1,PLT值=136.0×109·L-1,PA值=196.7 mg·L-1)。对于PT,与无早期肝硬化患者PT参考值为12.8 s,而有早期肝硬化风险患者PT为16.4 s,存在3.4 s (>3 s,有意义)显著差异值。结论:通过联合比较WBC、PLT、PT、PA等临床检验指标值可以快速筛查具有早期肝硬化风险的乙肝患者,且当这4个指标值均介于乙肝早期肝硬化风险指标值时,快速筛选才出现仅有的6%的正误筛率。

Objective:For rapid screening and discovery of early liver cirrhosis risks of hepatitis B patients, the individualized treatments were carried out to decrease the ratios of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Methods:White blood cell (WBC), platelet (PLT), prothrombin time (PT) and prealbumin (PA) as the main clinical examination indexes were involved in the screening. Results:WBC (3.2×109·L-1), PLT (68.3×109·L-1) and PA (137.2 mg·L-1) were much lower than those of the low limitation of the normal reference (WBC=4.0×109·L-1, PLT=100.0×109·L-1, PA=180.0 mg·L-1) and other patients without early cirrhosis risks (WBC=5.2×109·L-1, PLT=136.0×109·L-1, PA=196.7 mg·L-1), respectively. Compared with the CHB patients without early cirrhosis risks (PT=12.8 s), PT of the patients with early liver cirrhosis risks was 16.4 s (the D-value was 3.4 s>3.0 s) which was obviously longer, indicating a significant difference between general CHB patients and early cirrhosis risk CHB patients. Conclusion:By comparison the values of WBC, PLT, PT and PA, CHB patients with early liver cirrhosis risks could be screened. Meanwhile, when the four clinical examination indexes were between hepatitis B early cirrhosis risks index value, the positive error rate of the rapid detection was only 6%.


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