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作者:鲍静影  汪洋  刘颖  陶翠萍  张俊  洪啸天 
单位:马鞍山市妇幼保健院 麻醉科, 安徽 马鞍山 243001
关键词:瑞芬太尼 分娩镇痛 第二产程镇痛效果 接受率 


Objective:To observe the analgesic effect of two kinds of labor analgesia methods on the second stage of labor, perineal injury and its acceptance among maternity patients, anesthesiologists, obstetricians, midwives. Methods:One hundred and sixty-nine women were randomly divided into 2 groups:epidural analgesia group (group Y,76 cases), remifentanil intravenous labor analgesia + perineum block group (group J,85 cases). The duration of labor, perineal injury, the second labor analgesia (VAS), maternal and anesthesiologist acceptance rates were compared. Results:(1) The rate of Ⅰ,Ⅱ degree perineal laceration was higher in group J than that in group Y (P<0.01). Ⅲ degree perineal laceration rate, vaginal laceration had no significant difference between the two group(P>0.05); second stage VAS score in group Y was lower than that in group J without significant difference. (2) The rate of maternal acceptance in group Y was lower than that in group J (P<0.01). The acceptance rate of anesthesiologists, obstetricians and midwifery were significantly higher in group Y than those in group J (P<0.01). Conclusion:Epidural analgesia compared with intravenous labor analgesia perineal block can significantly reduce the perineal injury, there is no significant difference of the second stage labor analgesia; intravenous labor analgesia is well accepted by maternity patients, while epidural analgesia anesthesia labor is well accepted among obstetricians and midwives.


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