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作者:伍龙  张军 
单位:重庆医科大学附属第一医院 胃肠外科, 重庆 400016
关键词:腹腔镜 袖状胃切除术 肥胖症 临床疗效 


Objective:To investigate the short-term effect of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) for the treatment of obesity. Methods:Retrospective analysis was carried out in 18 patients who underwent LSG in our department from January 2013 to December 2014. The body weight and BMI were obtained before and after surgery; the excess weight loss (EWL%) was calculated, and the blood glucose of pathoglycemia patients were tested. Statistic analyses were performed by SPSS software (version 22.0). Results:The procedure was completed under laparoscopy without conversion to laparotomy. There were no serious complications except one patient developed a gastric fistula and abdominal infection. The mean body weight and BMI declined significantly one year after LSG (P<0.05), 13 patients achieved excellent outcomes, and the others were of better results. Five of 7 pathoglycemia patients obtained complete remission, and the other 2 got partial remission. Conclusion:LSG is a safe and effective surgical approach to the treatment of obesity and can prominently alleviate or even cure the metabolic diseases caused by obesity.


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