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作者:彭燕1  韩莉2 
单位:1. 武进人民医院 妇科, 江苏 常州 213000;
2. 尼勒克县人民医院 妇产科, 新疆 伊犁 835700
关键词:卵巢功能早衰 雌二醇 促卵泡生成素 促黄体生成素 因素 

Objective:To explore the related factors of premature ovarian failure(POF) in 152 cases Kazakh women. Methods:152 cases of Kazakh women with POF from 2014 to 2015 in People's Hospital of Nilka County in Yili Prefecture of Xinjiang were selected as POF group. 80 healthy women with normal ovarian function and regular menstrual cycle were selected as the control group. The women in two groups were carried out all the physical examination, and filled in the female reproductive health influence factors questionnaire. Results:Terms of age, menarche age, body mass index and education degree between two groups had no significant differences (P>0.05); Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol (E2) levels between two groups had significant differences (P<0.05). Logistic single factor regression analysis showed that marital status, smoking, drinking, history of artificial abortion, chemical substance contact history, taking birth control pills, family relationship, social relationship, family history, glucocorticoid hormone drugs were the risk factors of POF, vegetables, bean products and physical exercises were the protective factors of POF, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Logistic multiple regression analysis showed that smoking, history of artificial abortion, chemical substance contact history, family history were the risk factors of POF, vegetables, physical exercises were the protective factors of POF, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion:Smoking, history of artificial abortion, history of chemical substances contact, family history, vegetables and physical exercises were closely related to POF. Therefore, women of childbearing age should try not to contact with chemicals and smoke, avoid artificial abortion, eat more vegetables and fruits, do more exercises, do the best possible to reduce the incidence of POF.


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