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作者:尹莉萍  唐月华  陈艳  韩季楠  唐洪丽 
单位:东南大学附属中大医院 儿科, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:深度水解蛋白配方奶 早产儿 喂养不耐受 生长发育 


Objective: To investigate the clinical application of extensively hydrolyzed formula for the preterm infants(gestational age≤34 weeks)during hospitalization in neonatal intensive care unit(NICU). Methods: The preterm infants(gestational age≤34 weeks), hospitalized in NICU between June 2013 to February 2014, who hadn't been fed enterally, were randomly divided into two groups: the observation group and the control group. Totally 118 cases were admitted to the study. 58 cases in the observation group were fed with the extensively hydrolyzed formulas, 60 cases in the control group were fed with standard preterm formulas till discharge. During hospitalization in NICU, according to the gestational age, weight and the condition, feedings were well regulated(time, pattern, the initial feeding amount, adding speed, the fluid volume and composition of parenteral nutrition). Meanwhile, we recorded the cases of feeding intolerance(FI), necrotizing enterocolitis(NEC), parenteral nutrition associated cholestasis(PNAC). Apart from that, physicians in charge of the infants frequently recorded parenteral and enteral nutrition and defecation, simultaneously monitored the growth and development indicators. Results: The preterm infants who enterd the final study were 101 cases. Among them, there were 50 cases in the observation group and 51 cases in the control group. Compared with the control group, the cases of FI were significantly lower in the observation group(P<0.05). While between the groups, the cases of NEC, PNAC were not statistically significant(P>0.05). The time of reaching full enteral feeding, parenteral nutrition, and hospitalization in NICU of the observation group were shorter than those of the control group, but the differences were not statistically significant(P>0.05). Compared with the control group, time of defecating meconium was shorter(P<0.01), daily stool frequency increased(P<0.01). Growth velocity rates in weight(g·kg-1·d-1), length and head circumference(cm·week-1)were not significantly different during hospitalization(P>0.05). Conclusion: Feeding the preterm infants(gestational age≤34 weeks)with extensively hydrolyzed milk protein formula can promote bowel movement of premature infants, shorten the time of defecating meconium, reduce the cases of FI. Furthermore, compared with the preterm infants feeding with SPF, physical growth and development indicators relatively show no differences.


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