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作者:江娟1 2  任慕兰3  彭丹红3  王丽平3  刘晓燕3 
单位:1. 东南大学 医学院, 江苏 南京 210009;
2. 武汉市第三医院, 湖北 武汉 430060;
3. 东南大学附属中大医院 妇产科, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:更年期 妇女 激素补充治疗 知晓率 

目的: 了解更年期妇女月经改变、绝经相关症状发生时间,对激素补充治疗(HRT)的知晓、使用及相关知识需求情况,为中老年妇女生殖保健提供依据.方法: 对年龄≥40岁、至少有一侧卵巢、有月经周期改变或更年期症状的妇女进行有关问卷调查.结果: 共纳入326例妇女,平均年龄49.49岁,绝经年龄49.1岁,月经改变年龄45.6岁,出现更年期症状年龄46.6岁;38.6%知晓HRT的相关知识,44.2%认为更年期综合征有必要治疗,42.1%愿意接受HRT但有诸多担心顾虑,96.7%希望得到更多围绝经期保健知识;HRT使用率为5.83%.结论: 更年期妇女对HRT与更年期保健知识的知晓率低,获取渠道主要为妇产科医生,应注重宣传教育,提供方便的医学支持服务,进一步提高中老年妇女的健康水平和生活质量.

Objective: To understand the occurrence time of menstrual changes and the menopausal symptoms,and the level of understanding, use and need for knowledge regarding HRT,in order to provide the basis for reproductive health in older women. Methods: Questionnaire on women of age ≥40,with at least one ovary, who have changed menstrual cycles or menopausal symptoms. Results: The survey involved 326 cases(including 307 who never used HRT,15 frequent users and 4 who used HRT once).The mean age of the women were 49.49;the average age of menopause is 49.1;the average age of menstruation change was 45.6;the average age at which menopause symptoms appeared was 46.6. 38.6% of them had knowledge regarding HRT,44.2% believed it was necessary to treat menopausal symptoms,42.1% received hormone replacement therapy, but had their concerns about the therapy, 96.7% would like more perimenopausal health knowledge and information sought mainly through obstetrician, medical books and print media. The percentage of use of hormone replacement therapy was 5.83%. Conclusion: The menopausal and hormone replacement therapy knowledges are of low awareness among older women,we should focus more on education,while providing convenient medical support,to further improve the health level and living quality of older women.


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