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作者:车千红1  徐静2  孙灿1 
单位:1. 中国医科大学附属盛京医院 临床营养科, 辽宁 沈阳 110004;
2. 中国人民解放军 沈阳军区总医院 营养科, 辽宁 沈阳 110016
关键词:儿内科 住院患者 营养风险 营养不良 


Objective: To investigate the incidence rate of malnutrition and the high nutrition risk in hospitalized children in department of pediatrics, and to explore the correlation between the incidence of high nutrition risk and nutrition markers in blood. Methods: STAMP score was adopted to screen the nutrition risk of 668 children aged 0-14 hospitalized in Shengjing Hospital affiliated to Chinese Medicine University, the rate of malnutrition and nutrition markers in blood were compared among different system diseases, the possible effective factors on high nutrition risk were analysed.Results: Significant differences were found in the incidence rate of malnutrition and high nutrition risk, serum PA, Scr among different system diseases (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The total malnutrition incidence rate and high nutrition risk were 19.5% and 28.1% respectively, and both were found the highest in the digestive system disease. The abnormal markers in blood were distributed in all system diseases and the declines in Scr and PA were most common (96.6% and 81.4%, respectively). The high rate of nutrition risk was negtively correlated with PA, Scr while was positively with CRP. Conclusion: Moderate and high degrees of nutrition risk are found in the hospitalized children in department of pediatrics and the rate is especially high in the respiratory and digestive system diseases. PA and Scr may be more accurate and more sensitive nutrition markers. The nutrition status of the patients should be thought highly, and this would be benefit to prognosis.


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