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作者:张琴1  刘乃丰2 
单位:1. 东南大学 医学院, 江苏 南京 210009;
2. 东南大学附属中大医院 心血管内科, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:糖基化终末产物 人血管平滑肌细胞 细胞钙化 甲状旁腺激素相关肽 


Objective: To investigate the effects of advanced glycation end-products(AGEs) on expression and secretion of parathyroid hormone related peptide(PTHrP) in vitro cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells(HVSMCs), and explore the related mechanism of PTHrP influencing vascular smooth muscle cells calcification. Methods: HVSMCs were treated with AGE-BSA of indicated concentration or non-glycated BSA for same periods. The calcium contents and activity of alkaline phosphatase of cells were analyzed by microplate reader; PTHrP levels in the supernatant were detected by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent method. Real-time fluorescent quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) was performed to detect the expressive of PTHrP, core-binding factor α1(cbfα1) in human and bone morphogenetic protein-2(BMP-2) in vascular smooth muscle cells. Results: AGE-BSA increased calcium deposition and activity of alkaline phosphatase in HVSMCs in dose-independent manners(P<0.05), but reduced the secretion of PTHrP. Futhermore, the elevated AGE-BSA treatment on HVSMCs significantly enhanced the expression of cbfα1, BMP-2 and PTHrP, compared with the controls(P<0.05). Conclusion: The expression and secretion of PTHrP on human vascular smooth muscle cells can be effected by AGEs, and PTHrP may induce deposition of calcium on vascular smooth muscle cells, thereby contributing to the vascular calcification. However, the related mechanism will be further explored.


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