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作者:田君1  姚学权2  陈彻2  曹勤洪2  吴晓宇2  孙正2  陈志伟2  刘福坤2 
单位:1. 南京中医药大学 第一临床医学院, 江苏 南京 210046;
2. 南京中医药大学附属 江苏省中医院 肿瘤外科, 江苏 南京 210029
关键词:胃上部癌 辅助化疗 近端胃切除 反流性食管炎 


Objective:To examine the difference of the effcts of two different surgical methods for proximal gastric cancer on adjuvant chemotherapy tolerance and completion rates.Methods:Retrospectively research the influence of two different surgical methods for 142 patients of proximal gastric cancer on postoperative chemotherapy,observe the incidence of serious adverse effects, the cause of the termination of chemotherapy, the incidence of reflux esophagitis and the anastomotic lesions by endoscopic observation. Results:142 patients with proximal gastric cancer was divied into 57 cases of total gastrectomy group and 85 cases of proximal gastrectomy group.The completion rates of postoperative chemotherapy of the two groups were respectively 21.2% and 54.4%,and the incidence of serious adverse reaction of proximal gastrectomy group was 48.2% which was much higher than total gastrectomy group. Gastrointestinal adverse reactions rate was accounted for 43.3% in proximal gastrectomy group, especially the vomiting reaction rate which was higher reached 35.8% among all the causes of chemotherapy intolerance. The incidence reflux esophagitis and anastomotic ulcer in proximal gastrectomy group was also higher than total gastrectomy group, and all the difference had statistical significance. Conclusion:Proximal gastrectomy group get higher incidence of postoperative chemotherapy side effects but lower chemotherapy completion rate, so whether it is reasonable of this surgical methods need further research.


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