Objective: To analyze the variations of pathogen positive detection rate in close contact with hand, foot and mouth disease(HFMD) children after preventive medication, and to provide scientific basis for HFMD prevention. Methods: 1 106 cases of close contact with HFMD children were divided into four groups, prevention group1(TCM group), prevention group 2(TCM+IFN group), prevention group 3(IFN group) and control group(blank control group). The incidence of HFMD was calculated, and stool samples of 282 cases of children were tested for enterovirus 71(EV71) and coxsackievirus A16(CoxA16) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Results: There was a significant difference between the incidences of HFMD in every preventive group and control group (P<0.001). But there was no statistical difference among the three preventive groups(P >0.05). The EV71 and CoxA16 virus PCR total positive detection rates in the four groups,or between children with HFMD and those without HFMD inside each groups were not significantly different(P >0.05). Conclusion: Preventive medication can significantly reduce the incidence of HFMD, but not reduce the EV71 and CoxA16 virus PCR total positive detection rates. The reason may be associated with drug delivery dosage or other factors. |
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