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作者:童冠圣1 黄培林1 刘璐2 张丽达3 黄鹰2 
单位:1.东南大学基础医学院病理学系,江苏南京,210009; 2.东南大学现代医学实验中心,江苏南京,210009; 3.东南大学附属中大医院,江苏南京,210009
关键词:32 P-磷酸铬胶体 淋巴结转移 移植瘤 H22肝癌细胞 小鼠 
分类号:R817.8, R-332

目的:探讨不同剂量的32P-磷酸铬(Cr32PO4)胶体局部注射对小鼠H22移植瘤和区域淋巴结转移灶的治疗作用.方法:建立小鼠H22移植瘤模型14 d后分别给予高、中、低剂量的Cr32PO4胶体瘤体局部注射,观察Cr32PO4胶体的治疗作用及对肿瘤组织和细胞的形态学影响.结果:不同剂量Cr32PO4胶体注射后瘤体局部依次出现红肿、表面苍白、囊性变,水肿消退后爪垫坏死.光镜下瘤体癌细胞呈多边形,大小不一,核大,可见病理分裂像并侵袭达肌层,同侧月国窝和腹股沟淋巴结均出现淋巴结结构破坏,呈现大量癌细胞浸润.治疗早期瘤体和月国窝淋巴结转移灶呈现局灶性坏死,后期移植瘤和淋巴结转移灶肿瘤组织完全坏死,结构破坏,并可见出血灶.电镜下,治疗早期淋巴结转移灶和瘤体中癌细胞线粒体空化,内质网和细胞器少见.治疗后期细胞结构消失,呈现大量细胞碎片、脂肪滴和空泡.结论:Cr32PO4胶体局部给药对肿瘤组织和邻近的淋巴结转移灶具有明显的杀伤作用.

Objective  To study the anticancer effects and morphological influence of the chromic     32  P phosphorus injected to H22 hepatocellular cancer in Km mice.Methods  The high metastatic mice with H22 hepatoma were adopted as animal models.Chromic     32  P phosphorus was injected to the medial site of right pads in mice for treatment.The therapeutic effects were investigated on morphological and ultrastructural changes in both tumor and regional lymph nodes.Results  Under optic microscope neoplamic focus could be found in pads,right popliteal lymph nodes and groin lymph nodes of mice in animal models.The structure of lymph node was destroyed and occupied by hepatoma ascitic cells in samples of partial lymph nodes.As for mice in higher and medium dose groups,the tumor focus localized in right pads and popliteal lymph nodes showed local necrosis 6 days after administration.On the 17th day of treatment,the tumor focus necrostized thoroughly.The normal structure of lymph node disappeared and changed into connective tissue and hemorrhagic focus.Tumor focus scattered in popliteal and groin lymph nodes in lower dose group simultaneously.Ultrastructurally,the tumor cells in lymph node metastasis focus became slightly abnormal on the 1st day after radiation with mitochondria vaculolated and endoplasmic reticulum and other organelles disappeared in cytoplasma.Seven days after administration,only cell debris,lipid droplet and vacuoles were seen.Conclusion  The local administration of chromic  colloids can be used for treatment of the primary tumor,as well as focus of lymphatic metastasis,which results in dramatic anticancer effects.


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