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作者:刘根娣1 王绪生1 孙永瀛1 龚建新2 张宏2 石南宁2 
单位:1.东南大学附属中大医院,口腔科,江苏,南京,210009; 2.东南大学,公共卫生学院,江苏,南京,210009
关键词:龋病/流行病学 毛发/化学 痕量元素/分析 钙/分析 锌/分析 镁/分析 儿童 
分类号:R781.1, R322.995, Q582, Q581

目的:研究龋病和头发中元素之间的相关关系.方法:拔除患儿龋齿的同时取枕后部头发0.5~1.0 g,清洗、烘干、称质量、硝化,测定牙和发中Mg、Ca、Sr、Mn、Cu、Ni、Zn、V、Cd等9种元素的含量.将头发中的各元素作自然对数变换;龋牙中的Mg、Ca、Sr、V作平方根变换,余作自然对数变换后作典型相关分析.结果:头发中Mg、Ca、Sr、Zn、V、Cd 和龋牙中Mg、Ca、Ni、V、Cd之间高度相关,r=0.906.结论:龋病和头发中的元素之间有密切的内涵关系,众多元素的元素谱在龋病生成的过程中起协同或拮抗作用.

Objective  To study the correlation between the mineral contents in hair and dental caries.Methods  Opisthion hair samples (about 0.5~1.0?g)of the children who underwent dental caries extraction were collected.The contents of magnesium(Mg),calcium(Ca),zinc(Zn),menganese(Mn),copper(Cu),nickel(Ni),vanaditam(V),and cadmium(Cd) were determined in the hair and the caries teeth by the method of atomic absorption spectrophotometer after cleaning, drying, and oxidized by the mixed acid of nitric acid and perchloric and the minerals concentrations were expressed as μg·g    -1.The data of the mineral contents in hair and dental caries were transferred into normal distribution by logarithm or square root transformation.The Ln(Mg), Ln(Ca), Ln(Sr), Ln(Zn), Ln(V), and Ln(Cd) in hair were considered one comprehensive factor and the square roots of Mg, Ca and V with the Ln(Ni),and Ln(Cd) in dental caries were considered one comprehensive factor.Results  The results of typical correlation study using the test of proximity normal distribution indicated there is significant correlation between the comprehensive factor in hair and that in dental caries,r=0.906.Conclusion  There are correlations between the mineral contents in hair and in dental caries.It is many elements rather than only one element that play synergistic effect or antagonistic action in the development of dental caries.


[1] 陈建治. 种植体与组织界面微量元素的研究进展, 1997(5)
[2] 朱敏. 锌的抗菌斑机理及临床作用特性, 1995(3)
[3] 秦晓红. 氟以外机体微量元素与龋病的关系, 1996(2)
[4] DAVIES J E. The bone-biomaterial interface, 1991 

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