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作者:龚帆 谭长强 
关键词:梅尼埃病 变态反应 免疫 自身抗原 


The etiology of Meniere disease is still unkown,but with the progress of the studying the immunology of ear during the past decades ,the results of experiments and the findings of clinical observations show that the immunology factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of some cases of Meniere disease.The following words summarize the new achievements of the studying the immunology of Meniere disease.


[1] Uno K, MIYAMURA K, KANZAKI Y. Type Ⅰ allergy in the inner ear of the Guinea pig, 1992(101)
[2] BOULASSEL M R, ALOST M, TOMASI J P. No increased serum levels of antifood antibodies in patients with Meniere's disease. 2001(1). doi:10.1159/000055701
[3] DORNHOFFER J L, WANER M, ARENBRG I K. Immunoperoxidase study of the endolymphatic sac in Meniere's disease, 1993(9)
[4] ALLEMAN A M, DORNHOFFER J L. Demonstration of autoantibodies to the endolymophatic sac in Meniere's disease. 1997(2)
[5] YOO T J, SHEA J J R, Ge X. Presence of autoantibodies in the sera of Meniere's disease. 2001(10)
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[7] HERDMAN R C, MORGAN K, HOLT P J. Type Ⅱcollagen autoimmunity and Meniere's disease, 1993(11)
[8] Ye X J, TERATO K, NAKATANI H. Monoclonal antibodies against bovine Ⅸ collagen(LMW fragmet):production,characterization,and,use for immunohistochemical localization studies, 1991(3)
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[10] 邹静, 周定蓉, 徐伟恒. Meniere病免疫损伤机理的初步探讨, 1992(1)
[11] Gottschlich S, BILLING P B, KEITHLEY E M. Assessment of serum antibodies in patients with rapidly progressive sensorineural hearing loss and Meniere's disease, 1995(12)
[12] BILLINGS P B, KEITHLEY E M, HARRIS J P. Evidence linking the 68kD antigen identified in progressive sensorineural hearing loss patient sera with hsp70, 1995(3)
[13] Shin S O, BILLINGS P B, KEITHLEY E M. Comparison of antiheat shock protein 70(antihsp70) and anti-68kD inner ear protein in the sera of patients with Meniere's disease. 1997(2)
[14] Naumann A, HEMPEL J M, SCHORN K. Detection of humoral immune response to inner ear proteins in patients with sensorineural hearing loss. 2001(5). doi:10.1055/s-2001-13883
[15] Rauch S D, ZURAKOWSKI D, BLOCH D B. Anti-heat shock protein 70 antibodies in Meniere's disease. 2000(9)
[16] ATLAS M D, CHAI F, BOSCATO L. Meniere's disease:evidence of an immune process. 1998(5)
[17] 谭长强, 钟启明, 曹银成. 内淋巴囊同种抗原免疫致自身免疫性Meniere病的实验研究. 耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科1997(1)
[18] Koyama S, MITSUISHI Y, BIBEE K. HLA association with Meniere's disease. 1993(5). doi:10.3109/00016489309135866
[19] HaradaT, MATSUNAGA T, Hong K. Endolymphatic hydrops and Ⅲtype allergic reaction, 1984(4)
[20] Derebery M J. Allergic management of Meniere's disease:an outcome study. 2000(2). doi:10.1016/S0194-5998(0)70235-X
[21] 顾之燕, 韩子刚, 刘志连. 耳鼻咽喉科变应性和免疫性疾病, 2000
[22] KILPATRICK J K, SISMANIS K. Low-dose oral methotrexatemanagement of patients witgh bilateral Meniere's disease, 2000(2)
[23] Sennaroglu L, DINI F M, SENNAROGLU G. Transtympanic dexamethasone application in Meniere's disease:an alternative treatment for intractable vertigo, 1999(3)
[24] SHEA J J, GE X. Dexamothasone perfusion of the labyrinth plus intravenous dexamothasone for Meniere's disease, 1996(2)
[25] Kitahara T, TAKEDA N, MISHIRO Y. Effects of exposing the opened endolymphatic sac to large doses of steroids to treat intractable Meniere disease. 2001(2) 

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