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作者:汪明明 崔速南 孙玉秋 张娟 张景遥 
关键词:降钙素原 感染性疾病 半定量固相免疫测定法 全身炎性反应综合征 

目的:探讨血清降钙素原(PCT)检测在感染性疾病中的临床意义,分析血清PCT水平与病毒或细菌感染的相关性.方法:采用半定量固相免疫测定法测定356例各种感染性疾病患者血清中的PCT水平.结果:以血清PCT≥0.5 μg*L-1以上为阳性标准,并结合全身炎性反应综合征(SIRS)参数,其对细菌感染(含立克次体病)诊断的敏感性为98.7%,特异性为72.0%,阳性预测值为49.4%,阴性预测值为99.5%,阳性拟然比为3.53,阴性拟然比为0.018,诊断符合率为77.80%.血清PCT阳性患者SIRS、多器官功能障碍综合征的发生率明显高于血清PCT阴性患者(P<0.01),5例死亡患者血清PCT均阳性.结论:血清PCT半定量检测可用于细菌与病毒感染的鉴别诊断,结合SIRS参数可提高诊断的敏感性和特异性,并为抗生素的使用提供可靠依据;PCT水平的高低反映了病情的轻重,可作为评估病情、判断预后的指标之一.

Objective  To investigate clinical significances of detecting serum procalcitonin(PCT) in various infectious disease,explore the relationship between PCT and infection.Methods  Serum PCT were measured by semi-quantitative solid-phase immunoassay in 356 patients with different kinds of infectious diseases,and then were categorized into four groups:  PCT&lt;0.5?μg·L    -1,0.5?μg·L    -1≤PCT&lt;2.0?μg·L    -1,2.0?μg·L    -1≤PCT&lt;10.0?μg·L    -1 and PCT≥10.0?μg·L    -1.The relationship between serum levels of procalcitonin and viral infection or bacterial infection was analysed.Results  If PCT levels ≥0.5?μg·L    -1 was taken as diagnostic standard and systemic infectious reaction syndrome parameters were combined,the test’s sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value,negative predictive value,positive likelihood ratio,negative likelihood ratio and accuracy ratio in diagnosing bacterial infectious diseases was 98.7%,72.0%,49.4%,99.5%,3.53,0.018 and 77.80%,respectively.Conclusion  The study suggests that semi-quantitative detection of serum PCT might help us to identify bacterial infection from non-bacterial infection,and might offer valuable data for choosing antibiotic therapy.On the other hand,PCT levels might reflect the disease severity.


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