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作者:伍健 黄培林 
关键词:表面加强激光解析电离化飞行时间质谱 蛋白质组学 肿瘤 标志蛋白 综述 
分类号:R730.45, R318.5


SELDI proteinchip technique, which combines the chromatography principle and SELDI、TOF、MS technique, is the newest biochip, and one of the important tools in the research of the tumors’ proteomics. It can identify the subtle changes of the proteinic contents in the tumor’s cells、tissues and bodies. Moreover, it can precisely analyse the chemical and physical qualities of a certain protein. This review retrospects the strategies in the research of tumors’ proteomic of the proteinchip when combined with other techniques,like 2、D PAGE and LCM, etc,as well as the clinical application of the SELDI proteinchip to the research of tumors’ proteomic such as identifying the tumors’ proteinic marks and forecasting the metastasis and prognoses.


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