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作者:李力军1 封国生1 刘璐2 孙新臣2 高宏1 杨德同2 张文治3 
单位:1.北京铁路总医院,北京,100038; 2.东南大学医学院,江苏,南京,210009; 3.中国人民解放军总医院,北京,100853
关键词:胰腺癌 125I粒子 5-FU缓释化疗粒子 近距离治疗 

目的:建立放、化疗粒子联合植入法综合治疗进展期胰腺癌.方法:26例进展期胰腺癌中胰头癌19例,胰体癌7例.肿瘤最大直径均大于4 cm,大于5 cm者5例.行内引流术22例.在治疗计划指导下,于术中先植入5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)缓释化疗粒子,再植入放射性125I粒子,肿瘤匹配周边剂量(matched peripheral dose, MPD)为60~80 Gy.平均每例使用125I粒子16粒和5-FU 1000 mg.结果:全部病例经过3~19个月随访观察,无手术并发症发生.16例瘤体缩小超过四分之一.26例患者中位生存期为12个月,最长1例随访时间为术后19个月,现仍存活.结论:放射性125I粒子和5-FU缓释化疗粒子联合应用局部植入技术是综合治疗进展期胰腺癌的有效手段之一.

Objective  To establish the combined treatment technique with interstitial implantation of       125I seeds and 5?FU slow-release seeds for advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods  26 cases of advanced pancreatic cancer were treated with radiochemotherapy from August of 2001 to December of 2003, among which 19 cases of caput pancreatic cancer and 7 in pancreatic corpus. The sizes of tumor in 21 cases were larger than 4?cm in diameter,  5 cases larger than 5?cm. 5?FU slow-releasing seeds were first implanted, and then       125I seeds. The MPD of       125I seeds implantation were 60-80?Gy. The internal drainage was performed in 22 cases. The mean 16 granules of       125I seeds and 5?FU 1?000?mg were used in every patient. Results  Fully operating procedure was accomplished for all the patients. Only 2 cases died due to bone and lung metastases in 3 and 4 months postoperatively. The reduced size of tumor was >1/4 in 16 cases. The median survival stage was 12 months. No operating complication occurred. Conclusion  Radiochemotherapy with interstitial implantation of       125I seeds and 5?FU slow-releasing seeds is effective in the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer.


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