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作者:崔云1 刘璐1 黄成垠2 
单位:1.东南大学医学院,核技术研究中心,江苏,南京,210009; 2.江苏省血液中心,江苏,南京,210042
关键词:低温 保存 血小板 生理学 综述 


Platelets stored at low temperature changes their physiology,resulting in cold-induced injury,activation and rapid clearance from the blood after being transfused into body, which makes platelets of little clinical value. In order to protect platelets effectively to adapt to clinical demand,we must fully  understand the changes.This essay  reviews recent studies on various physiological events of chilling platelets.


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[9] Hoffmeister K M, JOSEFSSON E C, ISAAC N A. Glycosylation restores survival of chilled blood platelets. 2003(5639). doi:10.1126/science.1085322
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[11] UPADHYA G A, STRASBERG S M. Platelet adherence to isolated rat hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cell after cold preservation. 2002(11). doi:10.1097/00007890-200206150-00012 

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