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作者:曾冬香 姜藻 毕延智 张琰 
关键词:肝癌 供者淋巴细胞输注 移植物抗肿瘤效应 免疫治疗 小鼠 
分类号:R730.5, R735.7, R-33

目的:观察供者淋巴细胞输注(DLI)对小鼠H22肝癌的治疗作用.方法:荷瘤昆明小鼠分荷瘤对照组(A组)、5-氟脲嘧啶(5-FU)化疗组(B组)、DLI组(C组)及5-FU加DLI组(D组)4组.比较各组小鼠生存期、抑瘤率及瘤体病理检查结果,检测NK细胞及IL-2的活性.结果: B、C组生存时间长于A组(P<0.01),D组长于C组(P<0.01);B、C、D各组抑瘤率依次为61.3%、34.7%、89.5%;C、D 两组NK细胞及IL-2活性明显高于A、B组(P<0.05) ;病理观察见C、D组大量炎性细胞浸润.结论:DLI对小鼠H22肝癌有治疗作用,是一种潜在可行的实体瘤细胞过继免疫治疗方法.

Objective  To explore the effect of donor lymphocyte infusion on H22 hepatoma mice. Methods  Forty H22 hepatoma mice were evenly divided into control group(group A),5FU group(group B),DLI group (group C), and 5FU+DLI group (group D). Survival time, tumor inhibitory rates, histopathologic changes, NK cell activities and interleukin-2 production were investigated. Results  The survival time of group B and C was longer than group A (P&lt;0.01) and there was a significant difference between group D and C (P&lt;0.01). The tumor inhibitory rates of group B,C,D were 61.3%,34.7%,89.5%. Compared with group A and B, NK cells activities and interleukin-2 production were higher in group C and D (P&lt;0.05). A lot of inflammatory cells could be seen under optic microscopy in group C and D. Conclusion  Allogeneic lymphocytes infusion has antineoplastic effects on H22 hepatic cancer in mice. It is a potential and feasible adoptive cellular immunotherapy for solid tumor.


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