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作者:季红1 朱晓云2 殷国庆2 
单位:1.东南大学临床医学院,传染病学教研室,江苏,南京,210009; 2.东南大学,附属南京第二医院,江苏,南京,210003
关键词:内毒素血症/代谢 猕猴  L选择素 P选择素 


Objective  To evaluate the effect of selectin in the kidney of macaque with early-phase endotoxemia. Methods  Eleven macaques were randomly divided into two groups, namely, control group (Co group, n=5) and endotoxic group (En group, n=6). The animals of the Co group were injected with 1ml·kg  -1 normal saline and the subjects of the En group were received a dose of 2.8mg·kg  -1 lipopolysaccharides (LPS) i.v. 120 min after LPS challenging, histological detection and immunohistochemical assay of P-selectin and L-selectin in macaque kidney were carried out. Results  Renal medullae and cortex were intact, and so was glomerulus under microscope in LPS animals. By immunohistochemical assay in LPS macaques, P-selectin in glomerular vessels and tissues around tubules was observed. Aggregation of blood cells associated with P-selectin precipitation was revealed in vessels. By L-selectin immunohistochemical staining, congregated blood cells attached to the vascular wall, and blood cells were surround by reticular L-selectin in the En group. No pathological changes were observed in the control group. Conclusion  Vascular damages in kidney induced by selectin appear in the early phase of endotoxic shock and play an important role for the pathogenesis of kidney.


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