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作者:蒋益波1 冯毅2 丁建东2 王宇2 
单位:1.江苏省泰兴市人民医院,心内科,江苏,泰兴,225400; 2.东南大学附属中大医院,心内科,江苏,南京,210009
关键词:心肌梗死  动物模型 
分类号:R542.22, R-332

目的:探讨应用经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术(PTCA)球囊堵闭猪冠状动脉建立急性心肌梗死动物模型的实验方法.方法:选用苏中幼猪12只,麻醉后经股动脉置入PTCA球囊至冠状动脉左回旋支分支,堵闭血流90 min,行心电图、血流动力学、心脏二维超声、TTC染色及光镜、电镜检查以判断急性心肌梗死模型是否成功建立.结果:12 只猪均完成冠状动脉左回旋支分支的封堵,部分实验动物显示心电图呈典型急性心肌梗死动态图形变化,球囊堵塞1 h 后超声检查出现心室局部运动异常;堵塞90 min再灌注30 min后处死猪,取出心肌作TTC染色及光镜、电镜检测,证明成功建立猪急性心肌梗死模型.结论:应用PTCA球囊封堵冠状动脉可成功建立猪急性心肌梗死模型,方法简便易行,具有创伤小、死亡率低等优点.

Objective To explore and develop swine models of acute myocardial infarction(AMI) made by coronary occlusion with angioplasty balloon in percutaneous coronary angioplasty(PTCA).Methods After anesthesia,12 swine were implanted with balloons into the branch of the left circumflex artery(LCX).The balloon was inflated and occluded the LCX for 90 min.Their electrocardiography,blood pressure and ultrasonography were monitored.In the end,the animals were killed,the hearts were stained with TTC and the histomography changes of myocardial cells were assessed by light and electron microscope.Results Twelve swine underwent successful induction of AMI.Regional wall motion abnormalities were found by two dimensional echocardiography one hour after AMI in all swine.AMI were confirmed by dynamic changes of electrocardiography,TTC staining and microscope.Conclusion A simple,rapid,and effective method of producing myocardial infarction in swine has been established without associated significant arrhythmias or mortality.


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