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作者:姜新宇 刘璐 陈道桢 黄鹰 
关键词:131碘 17-丙烯胺基-17-去甲氧基格尔德霉素 热休克蛋白90 放射性同位素 生物分布 

目的:建立131I标记热休克蛋白90抑制剂17-丙烯胺基-17-去甲氧基格尔德霉素(17-AAG)的方法,探讨其标记条件.方法:采用放射性碘标记氯胺-T法标记17-AAG,并研究其在ICR正常小鼠体内的生物分布.结果:131I氯胺-T法标记17-AAG 的最佳条件为:17-AAG乙醇溶液40μl(含17-AAG 5μg),0.5mol·L-1磷酸盐缓冲液50μl(pH 7.5),Na 131I溶液20μl,氯胺-T 30μg·(15μl)-1(用pH 7.5的0.05mol·L-1 PB溶解),25℃反应50s,偏重亚硫酸钠40μg·(20μl)-1(用pH 7.5的0.05mol·L-1 PB溶解)中止反应.标记率约为53.1%,经乙酸乙酯纯化后所得标记物的放射化学纯度>90%;其生理盐水溶液4℃放置5d,放射化学纯度大于90%.小鼠尾静脉注射131I-17-AAG后0.5h 131I-17-AAG在胆囊达到高峰(369.44±147.81) %ID·g-1,肝脏中仅有(2.23±0.50)%ID·g-1,说明对肝脏毒性小.结论:热休克蛋白90抑制剂17-AAG的标记方法操作简便,反应时间短.

Objective To study the method for labeling 17-allylamino,17-demethoxygeldanamycin(17-AAG) with 131I and its biodistribution in normal mice.Methods 131I17-AAG was prepared by the reaction of 17AAG with Na 131I in the presence of chloramines-T.The conditions of labeling,the stability of 131I-17AAG and the biodistribution in normal mice were investigated.Results To search for the optimal conditions,5μg 17AAG dissolved by 40μl alcohol,50μl 0.5mol·L-1 phosphate buffer saline(pH 7.5),20μl Na 131I(185 MBq·ml-1),chloramines-T(2 g·L-1) dissolved by 0.05mol·L-1 phosphate buffer(pH 7.5) were mixed at 25 ℃ for 50 seconds.After the labeling reaction,an excess of sodium metabisulfite dissolved by 0.05mol·L-1 phosphate buffer(pH 7.5) was added to terminate the reaction.The average labeling efficiency was around 53.1%.The radiochemical purity of 131I-17-AAG was over 90% after purification.131I-17-AAG showed the stability above 90% in saline up to 5d at 4 ℃.The biodistribution study in normal mice showed that there was high uptake in cholecyst,stomach and intestine.Conclusion Our preliminary results demonstrate that the labeling of 131I-17-AAG is simple and successful.Further study is going on.


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