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作者:周家华 朱海涛 王凤臣 李欢送 杨德同 
关键词:急性坏死性胰腺炎 核因子-κB 细胞因子 大鼠 Sprague-Dawley 
分类号:R-33, R657.51

目的:探讨NF-κB活化在大鼠急性坏死性胰腺炎(acute necrotizing pancreatitis,ANP)发生、发展中的作用,以及其抑制剂对ANP的预防治疗作用.方法:80只大鼠随机分为3组,即正常对照组(Z组)、胰腺炎组(Y组)和干预组.干预组又分为建模前 1h二硫代氨基甲酸吡咯烷(PDTC)干预组(A组)、建模后1h PDTC干预组(B组)和建模后6h干预组(C组).再按6、12、24h相应分为不同的时间段组.通过胰管注射5%牛磺胆酸钠建立大鼠ANP模型.干预组按不同时间腹腔注射PDTC.建模后按6、12、24h时间点分批处死大鼠,用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)方法测定血清IL-6、IL-8、IL-10、TNF-α水平,临床全自动生化仪检测血清淀粉酶,用凝胶迁移率改变分析法(EMSA)测定胰腺中NF-κB的活性.结果:在正常大鼠胰腺组织中几乎测不到NF-κB的活性,与Z组大鼠相比较,Y组大鼠胰腺组织中6~24h NF-κB活性明显增强(P<0.001),同时Y组各时间段血清IL-6、IL-8、IL-10、TNF-α水平也均异常升高(P<0.001).建模前使用PDTC后组织NF-κB活性受到明显抑制,血清IL-6、IL-8、IL-10、TNF-α水平均明显下降(P<0.05),A组的抑制效应较B组更为明显,C组抑制效果不明显(P>0.05).在ANP中,NF-κB活性的变化与上述细胞因子的表达水平密切相关.结论:NF-κB的异常活化与ANP有明显关系;在ANP中,NF-κB通过对细胞因子的调节而发挥作用.抑制NF-κB的活性可在整体水平上降低上述因子的表达水平,对ANP时多脏器功能不全综合征(MODS)的发生有一定的预防作用.

Objective To investigate the relationship between NF-κB activation,cytokines release and acute necrotizing pancreatitis in the rats,and to assess the effectiveness of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate(PDTC),an inhibitor of NF-κB,on the experimental acute necrotizing pancreatitis Methods SD rats were randomly divided into three group:normal group(Z group),pancreatitis group(Y group),per-intervention group with PDTC,1 hour before modeling(A group),post-intervention group 1 hour after modeling(B group),and(C group) group-treated with PDTC 6 hours after modeling.Each group were randomly sub-divided into 6,12,24 h group repectively.Acute necrotizing pancreatitis rat model was produced by injecting taurocholate into the biliopancreatic duct.PDTC was injected intraperitoneally.Each group were sacrificed at 6,12 or 24 h after modeling.The activity of NF-κB in pancreas was examined by gel electrophoretic mobility shift assays(EMSA).The serum levels of IL-6,-8,-10 and TNF-α were measurred by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELSA).The level of amylase was deteced by clinical biochemical auto machine.Results NF-κB binding activity was not detected in Z group.Compared with Z group,activity of NF-κB in liver,lung and pancreas was significantly higher at 6 to 24 h(P<0.001),meanwhile,serum IL-6,-8,-10 and TNFα of Y group increased sharply(P<0.001 vs Z group).PDTC inhibited the activity of NF-κB effectively.NFκB binding activity in group A was much more inhibited compared with group Y or B.Meanwhile the serum levels of IL-6,-8,-10 and TNF-α in group A were much lower than those in group Y.Moreover,NF-κB binding activity and serum levels of IL-6,-8,-10,TNF-α in C group were not inhitibed compared with group Y.Amylase elevated distinctly in the group Y.But there were no valuable changes occurred among group A,B,C and Y.There was a close relationship between NF-κB and those cytokines.The phlogistic changes in the pancreas could be observed in group Y.After intervention with PCTC,the pathological changes were significantly alleviated in group A.Conclusions There is an evident relation between NF-κB and acute necrotizing pancreatitis.In severe acute pancreatitis,NF-κB play a vital role in the course of acute necrotizing pancreatitis through controlling the expression of cytokines.Inhibiting NF-κB binding activity can depress those cytokines mentioned above.Early blockage of NF-κB may prevent multiple organ failure in acute necrotizing pancreatitis.


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