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作者:周亮1  姚学权2  陈彻2  吴晓宇2  曹勤洪2  田君1  刘福坤2 
单位:1. 南京中医药大学 第一临床医学院, 江苏 南京 210029;
2. 江苏省中医院 消化肿瘤外科, 江苏 南京 210029
关键词:进展期胃癌 术前动脉介入化疗 静脉化疗 肝脏微环境 


Objective: To study the changes of liver microenvironment in patients with gastric cancer after preoperative regional artery chemotherapy, evaluate the safety of preoperative arterial interventional chemotherapy. Methods: Sixty patients with gastric cancer were collected, which less than 70-year-old. Patients were divided into control group, preoperative regional artery chemotherapy group and preoperative intravenous chemotherapy group, during the surgery we collected gastric carcinoma tissues and normal liver tissue. The changes of cancer tissue and the liver structure were observed. The expressions of C-Met/HGF were detected. Implementation chemotherapy of the first, third and seventh days, peripheral venous blood was respectively collected, which in order to understand the effects of chemotherapy drugs on liver function. Results: By comparison to preoperative intravenous chemotherapy group, in the preoperative regional artery chemotherapy group, tumor necrosis was obviously,the liver structure changes had no significant differences under the light microscope and electron microscope, liver functions were within the normal ranges. The treatment group compared with control group, liver cell structure changed, mild abnormal liver function after treatment. Conclusion: Patients with preoperative arterial interventional chemotherapy have no obvious abnormal liver function and liver microstructure.


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