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作者:李永强1  李杰2  曾文笑2  刘新宇1  李宾1  邹和群1 
单位:1. 南方医科大学第三附属医院肾内科, 广东 广州 510630;
2. 中山大学第五附属医院血液净化中心, 广东 珠海 519000
关键词:大学生 肥胖 减肥行为 健康教育 

目的: 了解广东某高校在校大学生的肥胖状况并分析相关影响因素。方法: 抽取该高校820名在校本科生作为研究对象,测量体质指数并完成调查问卷。结果: 该大学生群体中超重和肥胖的比例分别为14.76%与8.04%。城市男生肥胖的比例显著高于农村男生(P<0.05),男生肥胖人群的家庭人均收入也高于非肥胖人群(P<0.05),而女生则无显著差异。肥胖大学生从不锻炼的比例显著高于无肥胖的大学生(P<0.05),非肥胖组大学生中每天锻炼的比例也高于肥胖的学生(P<0.05)。在820名大学生中,13.7%正在实施减肥计划;而正在减肥的大学生中,有54.5%的人其实并不肥胖,甚至是已经偏瘦。结论: 目前我国大学生人群的肥胖比例高;肥胖与城乡差异、家庭收入、运动有一定的关系;大学生群体普通缺乏正确的营养、健康与减肥知识,需要得到高校及教育、卫生管理部门的高度重视、积极干预。

Objective: To investigate the situation of obesity in the undergraduate students of one university in Guangdong province and to analysis its influence factors. Methods: 820 undergraduate students were randomly selected from this university. Body mass index(BMI) was tested, and questionnaires were completed by these students. Results: The prevelance of overweight and obesity of the students in the university was 14.76% and 8.04% respectively. The phenomenon of obesity was found much greater in the urban male students than in the rural male students(P<0.05). The per capita income of the obese male student group was remarkably higher than that of the non-obese male student group(P<0.05).However, such a phenomenon was not observed among the female students. The proportion of never exercise in obese student group was significantly higher than non-obese student group, and the proportion of daily exercise in non-obese student group was higher than obese student group(P<0.05). Among the 820 undergraduate students in this study, 13.7% were reducing weight. 54.5% of them were not obese but nomal weight or under weight. Conclution: Currently, the prevelance of obesity in the undergradate students of our country is high. There is relationship between obesity and urban-rural disparity, family income and exercise. The correct knowledge about nutrition, health and losing weight are deficient in undergraduate students. Universities, education and helthcare management departments should attach great importance and take active interventions.


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