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作者:张苗1  朱微1  刘佳2  邢昌赢2 
单位:1. 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 肾脏科,江苏 南京 210008;
2. 南京医科大学 第一附属医院 肾脏内科,江苏 南京 210008
关键词:咪唑立宾 难治性肾病综合征 糖皮质激素 

目的:观察咪唑立宾(MZR)治疗难治性原发性肾病综合征的疗效及安全性。方法:11例难治性原发性肾病综合征患者予MZR 150 mg,每日1次或分3次口服,疗程6个月;同时口服泼尼松0.8~1.0 mg·kg-1·d-1,并逐渐减量。治疗前及治疗后3、6个月测定患者24 h尿蛋白定量、血清白蛋白、血常规、尿常规和肝肾功能,观察记录不良反应。结果:经治疗,患者24 h尿蛋白定量下降,血清白蛋白水平上升(P<0.05),治疗前后肾功能无明显变化,未发现明显不良反应。结论:MZR治疗难治性原发性肾病综合征有效,也无明显副作用。

Objective: To observe the efficacy and safety of mizoribine(MZR) in treatment of refractory nephropathy syndrome. Methods: Eleven patients with refractory nephropathy syndrome were treated by MZR.The clinical data was observed in the 3rd month and 6th month.Results: The proteinuria of the patients decreased while serum albumin increased significantly(P<0.05) after the patients received MZR treatment, and serious side effect was not observed. Conclusion: MZR is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of refractory nephropathy syndrome.


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