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作者:卢颖辉1  何杰2  田小强1  常立功1  黄培林1 
单位:1. 东南大学 医学院,江苏 南京 210009;
2. 安徽医科大学附属省立医院 病理科,安徽 合肥 230000
关键词:光子悬浮列阵 多元检测 二氧化硅胶体晶体微球 Bcl-2蛋白 p21蛋白 

目的:探讨基于二氧化硅胶体晶体微球(SCCBs)微列阵多元检测技术在多元检测肿瘤标志物中的价值。方法:以SCCBs为载体,应用免疫双抗夹心法同时检测人胶质瘤细胞蛋白提取物中Bcl-2、p21蛋白的水平,并与传统ELISA方法相比较。结果:用基于SCCBs微列阵多元检测技术同时检测并用3倍信噪比计算Bcl-2、p21蛋白的线性范围分别是9~180 ng·ml-1和0.05~1 ng·ml-1,最低检测限分别是1 ng和0.049 ng。样品检测结果与ELISA方法检测结果无明显差异,提示此方法检测微量蛋白较传统方法具有高通量、高灵敏度等特点。结论:基于SCCBs的多元检测方法具有潜在的临床应用价值。

Objective: To study the multi-detection technology of tumor markers based the silica colloidal crystal beads(SCCBs),and its value in the multi-detection technology of tumor markers.Methods: Using SCCBs as a carrier and immuno sandwich method, Bcl-2 protein and p21 protein extracted from human glioma cells were detected and compared with traditional ELISA method.Results: Simultaneously detected Bcl-2 protein and p21 protein based on the SCCBs microarray multiplex detection technology were within a linear range of 9-180 ng·ml-1,0.05-1 ng·ml-1,respectively, with a minimum detectable level of 1 ng and 0.049 ng at 3 σ,respectively.The proposed array showed that the storage stability and the accuracy for sample detection were acceptable.The new method,compared to traditional methods,had high-throughput,high- sensitivity characteristics. Conclusion: The multiple detection method based SCCBs has a potential value of clinical application.


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