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作者:王广吉  高明献  张明访  杨明利  向全永 
单位:1. 泗洪县人民医院 儿科, 江苏 泗洪 223900;2. 泗洪县疾病预防控制中心, 江苏 泗洪 223900;3. 江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:总摄氟量 智商 剂量-效应关系 

目的: 探讨总摄氟量与儿童智商间的剂量-效应关系。方法:选择江苏省泗洪县瓦庙村(氟中毒地区,饮水中氟含量为0.57~4.50 mg·L-1)和新淮村(非氟中毒地区,饮水含氟量为0.18~0.76 mg·L-1)为研究地点,两村所有在校的8~13岁小学生为研究对象,调查学生智商、学生家庭饮水中含氟量、每日各种食物、饮水的摄入量,检测室内外空气中氟含量,并计算每日总摄氟量。根据每日总摄氟量将儿童分为:总摄氟量<1.00、1.00~1.99、2.00~2.99、3.00~3.99及≥4.00 mg·(人·d)-15组,分别统计各组儿童的智商和智商低下率。结果:新淮村儿童的智商(100.41±13.21)显著高于瓦庙村(92.02±13.00)。随着总摄氟量的增加,儿童智商进一步降低,智商低下率逐渐增加,总摄氟量与智商(y=-3.519x+103.310)及智商低下率(y=5.779x-1.347)有显著的剂量效应关系。结论:高氟摄入会对儿童大脑发育产生影响,导致儿童智商下降。

Objective: To explore the exact relationship between daily total intake of fluoride and children's intelligence quotient (IQ). Methods: Wamiao village (severely endemic fluorosis area,drinking water fluoride was 0.57-4.50 mg·L-1)and Hinhuai village (non-endemic fluorosis area,drinking water fluoride was 0.18-0.76 mg·L-1) in Shong County,Jiangsu Province,were selected for this study. All 8-13 years old students in two village's primary school were recruited as subjects in this study. Children's IQ,drinking water fluoride in children's household shallow well,daily total intake of diet and water,and fluoride level in indoor and outdoor air were investigated,and the daily total intake of fluoride was calculated. The children were divided into 5 subgroups according to the daily total intake of fluoride,which were: <1.00,1.00-1.99,2.00-2.99,3.00-3.99,≥4.00 mg·(per person·d)-1.Children's IQ and the rate of IQ <80 in the subgroup were calculated. Results: Children's IQ in Xihuai village was significant higher than that in Wamiao village(100.41±13.21vs 92.02±13.00). Children's IQ decreased and the rate of IQ < 80 increased according to the increasing of daily total intake of fluoride. There were significant dose-response relationship between the daily total intake of fluoride and the children's IQ (y=-3.519x+103.310),and the rate of IQ<80 (y=5.779x-1.347). Conclusions: High level of fluoride intake may affect the development of cerebrum for infant and adolescent,and would resulte the lower IQ.


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